List species records

Displaying 2501 - 2600 of 4175 species summary records matching criteria specified.

This page allows you to display species summary records for a given species group and site. Please note that these lists are provisional - please contact us if you find errors.

The following species groups are included:
Amphibia, Arachnida, Birds, Bryophytes, Coleoptera, Diptera, Fungi, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Mammalia, Mollusca, Odonata, Orthoptera, Reptilia, Vascular Plants, All others

The following sites are included:
Betty's Fen, Bleyswyck's Bank, Blo'Norton Little Fen, Blo'Norton Fen, Blo'Norton The Lows, Broomscot Common, Hinderclay Fen, Parker's Piece, Scarfe's Meadows, The Frith, Webb's Fen

Just type the first few letters of the site and/or species group required from the above list in the boxes below and click on the "Display List" button.

Species Group: Mollusca
Site: Blo'Norton Fen
Species Common Name Num recs First year Last year
Succinea putris Large Amber Snail 1 1968 1968
Vallonia costata Ribbed Grass Snail 1 1968 1968
Vertigo antivertigo Marsh Whorl Snail 1 1968 1968
Vertigo pygmaea Common Whorl Snail 1 1968 1968
Vitrea crystallina Crystal Snail 1 1968 1968
Zonitoides nitidus Shiny Glass Snail 1 1968 1968
Site: Blo'Norton The Lows
Species Common Name Num recs First year Last year
Ashfordia granulata Silky Snail 1 2003 2003
Cepaea hortensis White-lipped Snail 1 2006 2006
Cepaea nemoralis Grove or Brown-lipped Snail 1 2006 2006
Clausilia bidentata Common or Two-toothed Door Snail 1 2003 2003
Discus rotundatus Rounded Snail 1 2003 2003
Limax maximus Great Grey Slug 1 2003 2003
Trichia hispida Hairy Snail 1 2003 2003
Zonitoides nitidus Shiny Glass Snail 1 2003 2003
Site: Hinderclay Fen
Species Common Name Num recs First year Last year
Arianta arbustorum Copse Snail 2 2006 2011
Arion ater Large Black Slug 1 2005 2005
Carychium minimum Herald Snail / Sedge Snail 2 2003 2007
Carychium tridentatum Slender Herald Snail 1 2003 2003
Cepaea hortensis White-lipped Snail 2 2005 2011
Cepaea nemoralis Grove or Brown-lipped Snail 4 2003 2011
Clausilia bidentata Common or Two-toothed Door Snail 2 2003 2005
Cochlicopa lubrica Slippery Moss Snail 1 2007 2007
Discus rotundatus Rounded Snail 2 2005 2007
Euconulus alderi 2 2003 2007
Lauria cylindracea Common Chrysalis Snail 1 2003 2003
Lehmannia marginata Tree Slug 1 2005 2005
Lymnaea palustris Marsh Pond Snail 1 2007 2007
Lymnaea truncatula Dwarf Pond Snail 2 2003 2007
Monacha cantiana Kentish Snail 1 2011 2011
Oxychilus alliarius Garlic Snail 1 2003 2003
Pisidium hibernicum 1 2003 2003
Pisidium milium Rosy Pea Shell 1 2003 2003
Pisidium nitidum 1 2003 2003
Pisidium personatum 1 2007 2007
Pisidium subtruncatum 1 2003 2003
Punctum pygmaeum Dwarf Snail 1 2007 2007
Succinea putris Large Amber Snail 1 2007 2007
Trichia striolata Strawberry Snail 1 2003 2003
Zonitoides nitidus Shiny Glass Snail 1 2003 2003
Site: Parkers Piece
Species Common Name Num recs First year Last year
Bathyomphalus contortus Twisted Ram's-horn 1 2009 2009
Cepaea nemoralis Grove or Brown-lipped Snail 1 2011 2011
Lymnaea stagnalis Great Pond Snail 1 2009 2009
Planorbarius corneus Great Ram's-horn 1 2009 2009
Species Group: Odonata
Site: Betty's Fen
Species Common Name Num recs First year Last year
Aeshna cyanea Southern Hawker 1 2006 2006
Anax imperator Emperor Dragonfly 2 2006 2006
Brachytron pratense Hairy Dragonfly 1 2006 2006
Calopteryx splendens Banded Demoiselle 1 2006 2006
Coenagrion puella Azure Damselfly 1 2006 2006
Ischnura elegans Blue-tailed Damselfly 2 2006 2006
Libellula depressa Broad-bodied Chaser 2 2006 2006
Libellula quadrimaculata Four-spotted Chaser 2 2006 2006
Orthetrum cancellatum Black-tailed Skimmer 1 2006 2006
Pyrrhosoma nymphula Large Red Damselfly 1 2006 2006
Sympetrum sanguineum Ruddy Darter 1 2006 2006
Sympetrum striolatum Common Darter 1 2006 2006
Site: Bleyswycks Bank
Species Common Name Num recs First year Last year
Sympetrum striolatum Common Darter 1 2008 2008
Site: Blo'Norton Fen
Species Common Name Num recs First year Last year
Aeshna cyanea Southern Hawker 1 2006 2006
Aeshna grandis Brown Hawker 1 2006 2006
Aeshna mixta Migrant Hawker 1 2006 2006
Anax imperator Emperor Dragonfly 1 2007 2007
Brachytron pratense Hairy Dragonfly 1 2007 2007
Calopteryx splendens Banded Demoiselle 1 2007 2007
Coenagrion puella Azure Damselfly 1 2007 2007
Enallagma cyathigerum Common Blue Damselfly 2 2006 2007
Ischnura elegans Blue-tailed Damselfly 1 2007 2007
Libellula depressa Broad-bodied Chaser 1 2007 2007
Libellula quadrimaculata Four-spotted Chaser 1 2007 2007
Pyrrhosoma nymphula Large Red Damselfly 1 2007 2007
Sympetrum sanguineum Ruddy Darter 2 2003 2007
Sympetrum striolatum Common Darter 2 2006 2007
Site: Blo'Norton The Lows
Species Common Name Num recs First year Last year
Aeshna grandis Brown Hawker 1 2003 2003
Enallagma cyathigerum Common Blue Damselfly 1 2006 2006
Ischnura elegans Blue-tailed Damselfly 2 2006 2007
Libellula depressa Broad-bodied Chaser 1 2006 2006
Sympetrum sanguineum Ruddy Darter 1 2003 2003
Sympetrum striolatum Common Darter 1 2006 2006
Site: Hinderclay Fen
Species Common Name Num recs First year Last year
Aeshna cyanea Southern Hawker 2 2003 2006
Aeshna grandis Brown Hawker 2 2003 2006
Brachytron pratense Hairy Dragonfly 1 2006 2006
Calopteryx splendens Banded Demoiselle 1 2006 2006
Enallagma cyathigerum Common Blue Damselfly 1 2006 2006
Ischnura elegans Blue-tailed Damselfly 1 2003 2003
Libellula quadrimaculata Four-spotted Chaser 1 2006 2006
Pyrrhosoma nymphula Large Red Damselfly 1 2006 2006
Sympetrum flaveolum Yellow-winged Darter 1 2011 2011
Sympetrum sanguineum Ruddy Darter 1 2006 2006
Sympetrum striolatum Common Darter 2 2006 2011
Site: Parkers Piece
Species Common Name Num recs First year Last year
Anax imperator Emperor Dragonfly 1 2009 2009
Coenagrion puella Azure Damselfly 2 2009 2011
Coenagrion pulchellum Variable Damselfly 1 2009 2009
Erythromma najas Red-eyed Damselfly 1 2009 2009
Ischnura elegans Blue-tailed Damselfly 1 2011 2011
Orthetrum cancellatum Black-tailed Skimmer 1 2009 2009
Sympetrum striolatum Common Darter 1 2009 2009
Site: Scarfe Meadows
Species Common Name Num recs First year Last year
Pyrrhosoma nymphula Large Red Damselfly 1 2011 2011
Site: The Frith
Species Common Name Num recs First year Last year
Aeshna grandis Brown Hawker 2 2003 2003
Enallagma cyathigerum Common Blue Damselfly 3 2003 2003
Orthetrum cancellatum Black-tailed Skimmer 2 2003 2003
Sympetrum sanguineum Ruddy Darter 2 2003 2003
Sympetrum striolatum Common Darter 4 2003 2007
