New land, new HLF grant!
We're delighted to announce the purchase of 2 hectares of land in Thelnetham with the help of a Heritage Lottery Fund Our Heritage grant. The purchase completes the jigsaw of fragments of the former Thelnetham valley fen which is internationally important for its wildlife; much of the area is designated as an SSSI and is part of the Waveney and Little Ouse Valley Fens SAC. Since 2008, the LOHP's acquisition of Parkers Piece, Bleyswycks Bank, Webbs Fen, New Fen, and now the new site, has provided huge potential for restoring the former fen's habitats while helping to protect the two richest remaining remaining fragments - Suffolk Wildlife Trust's Thelnetham Middle Fen and Thelnetham Old Fen nature reserves - and enhancing public access and enjoyment of the area. The Heritage Lottery Fund grant is the LOHP's fourth, and we are immensely grateful for their support.
We've bought a new meadow!
We're delighted to annouce the addition of 4.5 acres of wet meadow to the 166 acres land we already manage in the Little Ouse Headwaters. The meadow, in Hinderclay, is a stone's throw south of Hinderclay Fen. We're looking forward to monitoring the wildlife in its old hedges and to increasing the richness of its wildlflowers. Access arrangements will be announced once new fences are in place to allow grazing.