List species records
Displaying 4101 - 4175 of 4175 species summary records matching criteria specified.
This page allows you to display species summary records for a given species group and site. Please note that these lists are provisional - please contact us if you find errors.
The following species groups are included:
Amphibia, Arachnida, Birds, Bryophytes, Coleoptera, Diptera, Fungi, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Mammalia, Mollusca, Odonata, Orthoptera, Reptilia, Vascular Plants, All others
The following sites are included:
Betty's Fen, Bleyswyck's Bank, Blo'Norton Little Fen, Blo'Norton Fen, Blo'Norton The Lows, Broomscot Common, Hinderclay Fen, Parker's Piece, Scarfe's Meadows, The Frith, Webb's Fen
Just type the first few letters of the site and/or species group required from the above list in the boxes below and click on the "Display List" button.
Species | Common Name | Num recs | First year | Last year |
Cerastium fontanum | Common Mouse-ear | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Chenopodium album | Fat-hen | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Chenopodium ficifolium | Fig-leaved Goosefoot | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Chenopodium hybridum | Maple-leaved Goosefoot | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Chenopodium polyspermum | Many-seeded Goosefoot | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Chenopodium rubrum | Red Goosefoot | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Cirsium arvense | Creeping Thistle | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Cirsium palustre | Marsh Thistle | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Conium maculatum | Hemlock | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Convolvulus arvensis | Field Bindweed | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Corylus avellana | Hazel | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Crataegus monogyna | Hawthorn | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Dactylis glomerata | Cock's-foot | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Elytrigia repens | Common Couch | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Epilobium hirsutum | Great Willowherb | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Epilobium parviflorum | Hoary Willowherb | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Equisetum palustre | Marsh Horsetail | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Erysimum cheiranthoides | Treacle-mustard | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Eupatorium cannabinum | Hemp-agrimony | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Fraxinus excelsior | Ash | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Galeopsis tetrahit | Common Hemp-nettle | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Geranium robertianum | Herb-Robert | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Glechoma hederacea | Ground-ivy | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Heracleum sphondylium | Hogweed | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Holcus lanatus | Yorkshire-fog | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Humulus lupulus | Hop | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Hypericum tetrapterum | Square-stalked St John's-wort | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Iris pseudacorus | Yellow Iris | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Juncus bufonius | Toad Rush | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Juncus effusus | Soft-rush | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Juncus inflexus | Hard Rush | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Juncus subnodulosus | Blunt-flowered Rush | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Lamium album | White Dead-nettle | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Lamium purpureum | Red Dead-nettle | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Linaria vulgaris | Common Toadflax | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Lolium perenne | Perennial Rye-grass | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Lotus pedunculatus | Greater Bird's-foot-trefoil | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Lychnis flos-cuculi | Ragged-Robin | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Lycopus europaeus | Gypsywort | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Matricaria discoidea | Pineappleweed | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Mentha aquatica | Water Mint | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Myosotis arvensis | Field Forget-me-not | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Myosoton aquaticum | Water Chickweed | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Persicaria amphibia | Amphibious Bistort | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Persicaria maculosa | Redshank | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Phleum pratense | Timothy | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Phragmites australis | Common Reed | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Picris echioides | Bristly Oxtongue | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Plantago major | Greater Plantain | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Poa humilis | Spreading Meadow-grass | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Poa trivialis | Rough Meadow-grass | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Potentilla anserina | Silverweed | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Quercus robur | Pedunculate Oak | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Ranunculus repens | Creeping Buttercup | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Rorippa palustris | Marsh Yellow-cress | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Rosa rugosa | Japanese Rose | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Rumex acetosa | Common Sorrel | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Rumex conglomeratus | Clustered Dock | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Rumex obtusifolius | Broad-leaved Dock | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Rumex sanguineus | Wood Dock | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Salix alba | White Willow | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Salix cinerea | Grey Willow | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Salix fragilis | Crack-willow | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Sambucus nigra | Elder | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Scrophularia auriculata | Water Figwort | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Senecio jacobaea | Common Ragwort | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Senecio vulgaris | Groundsel | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Solanum dulcamara | Bittersweet | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Sonchus arvensis | Perennial Sow-thistle | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Sonchus asper | Prickly Sow-thistle | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Stellaria media | Common Chickweed | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Tripleurospermum inodorum | Scentless Mayweed | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Typha latifolia | Bulrush | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Veronica catenata | Pink Water-speedwell | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |
Vicia cracca | Tufted Vetch | 1 | 2011 | 2011 |