Oak Tree Fen

The new land, Thelnetham © A. Rivett

Oak Tree Fen, Thelnetham © A. Rivett

With the generous help of the Heritage Lottery Fund in December 2015, the LOHP was able to purchase the final piece in the jigsaw of seven sites that now cover the area formerly occupied by Thelnetham Fen. 

The new land lies between Suffolk Wildlife Trust's Thelnetham Middle Fen nature reserve to the west and LOHP Webbs Fen to the east. LOHP Bleyswycks Bank separates it from the river Little Ouse to the north.  It comprises two small, wet meadows, an old green lane lined in places by ancient coppiced hazels, and wet woodland. During 2016 we will be surveying the soils and wildlife of the new area and considering how best to manage it to enhance its value for wildlife and particularly for species that rely on fen habitats. The larger of the two meadows is agriculturally improved; it is mostly rye-grass and lacks wildlfowers and the many species that depend on them. This will be a particuarly interesting challenging area to restore for fen wildlife.

Please visit this page again as we develop our plans for this new area.


Access through the new site is currently along the green lane from Loggers Lane, Thelnetham. The path turns west into Thelntham Middle Fen, where a board walk and kissing gate give access to LOHP Parkers Piece and an extensive network of paths through the Little Ouse Fens.

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As they are produced, survey reports on the wildlife, landscape and soils of the meadow will be made available in our Archive.

Heritage Lottery Fund

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