List species records

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This page allows you to display species summary records for a given species group and site. Please note that these lists are provisional - please contact us if you find errors.

The following species groups are included:
Amphibia, Arachnida, Birds, Bryophytes, Coleoptera, Diptera, Fungi, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Mammalia, Mollusca, Odonata, Orthoptera, Reptilia, Vascular Plants, All others

The following sites are included:
Betty's Fen, Bleyswyck's Bank, Blo'Norton Little Fen, Blo'Norton Fen, Blo'Norton The Lows, Broomscot Common, Hinderclay Fen, Parker's Piece, Scarfe's Meadows, The Frith, Webb's Fen

Just type the first few letters of the site and/or species group required from the above list in the boxes below and click on the "Display List" button.

Sorry, we don't yet have any records for this site/species group combination. Please check that you entered the search text correctly.